CMMI - L 2 - Manage - Supplier Agreement Management

Friday, March 20, 2009

The purpose of Supplier Agreement Management process area is to manage the acquisition of products from suppliers through a formal agreement.

The salient features here are:

Determine if any product/software/tool need to be bought from a vendor:

- Select the vendor
- Establish an agreement with the vendor
- Test and accept the product/software/tool


1. Establish Supplier Agreement
2. Satisfy Supplier Agreement

This process area is not applicable for many projects. It applies where project needs some external tools software and needs to be opt thru a suplier.

It also applies when we download tools or other things from Internet. The Supplier Agreement Management guidelines in QSD explains the process in detail.

Preivious - Quality Management

Next - CMMI - L 3 - Defined


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